Delta Sigma Phi currently has 106 active chapters and new chapters at campuses across the country. To find a chapter, check out our Chapter Locator.

Delta Sig works with campuses across the country to determine if the time and campus climate is right to add a Delta Sigma Phi chapter to a campus. Once the Fraternity has been invited to join a campus’ interfraternal community, Delta Sig Fraternity Growth staff head to campus to build and recruit a chapter that fits that campus’ needs. Once men are recruited, Fraternity New Chapter Support staff begin working with the new members and chapter leaders.

Before a new chapter is officially installed, it must demonstrate continued excellence and growth in all areas of chapter operations. Once it has proved sustained success, its installation is scheduled.

At installation, all Delta Sig chapters are given a Greek-letter name. Most often, it is named following the Greek alphabet: Alpha through Omega, Alpha Alpha through Alpha Omega, and so on.

Want more information on Delta Sigma Phi undergraduate chapters? Here are some quick links: